Obituary for Henry Biera (Hank)
Name: Henry Biera (Hank) Age: 62 Of:Linwood KS Passed Away: 2/26/14 Funeral Service: April 8, at 11:00 AM at Leavenworth National Cemetery, Leavenworth KS Memorial Contributions: Additional Information he was born: Nov. 16,1950 In:Taylor Co. TX Personal Background information: He was a Vietnam Veteran and served 2 terms with U.S.Army. He was a member of De Soto V.F.W. He worked at Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant. He was a loving father and grandfather. He was loving and caring to all and was always willing to help. Preceded in death By: Parents Felipe and Lucia Biera, Sister Mickey Mendoza, Brothers Joe Biera and Phillip Biera Survivors: Daughters Marie Biera and Kelly Mitchell of Linwood KS 7 grandchildren, Sisters Virginia and Mary Brothers Edward and Robert. Contact Name Deanna Stephens 913-583-1002
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