Obituary for Delbert E. Gardner
Delbert E. Gardner Age: 70 Of: Katy TX. formerly of Kansas City KS Passed Away: June 18,2010 Visitation:June 25 from 10-11:00 AM at Cedar Crest Memorial Chapel 32665 Lexington Ave. De Soto Ks Funeral: followed by funeral at 11:00 Am At the Chapel Graveside Services: De Soto Cemetery De Soto KS Memorial Contributions: Merriam Fire Dept. 9000 W 62 terr. Merriam KS 66202 Additional Information he was born: Dec. 2 1939 In: De Soto Ks Personal Background information:Delbert graduated from De Soto High School and then joined the U.S. Navy, returning to married Shirley Motzkus June 12,1960 He worked at Certainted for 40 years and retired and moved to Kate TX, Preceded in death By:Parents Maynerd and Inez Gardner and Brother Paul Gardner Survivors: Shirley of the home, daughter Deborah Gengler of Katy TX Sons David Gardner of Belton Mo. Timothy Gardner of the Home Grandchildren Kyrstal, Skyler, Dallas, Mackensi. Tanner and Makenna sister Barbra Ott of Eudora Ks and Judy Weese of Richmond Ks
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